Computer Support Upgrades Networking Web Design Marketing Computer Systems Computer Training
Welcome to Calputer Business Solutions of CalgaryWelcome to Calputer Business Solutions. I am Bill Nadraszky and I am the a tech support specialist here in Calgary with 10 years of experience. I have worked in many industries and have supported all versions of Microsoft Windows as well as many versions of spyware and viruses and have improved the performance of countless computers over the years. I hope to prove myself as your one stop shop for home computer, small businesses, as well as some specialized services for Realtors. Here in Calgary there are many businesses that are dedicated to helping companies but more and more home users in Calgary are being left out and their computers are running poorly. As a Calgary home computer user I can come out to your home and fix your PC or even just do a tune up so that it works better. Please email me or call at 229-1724 in the Calgary area and I can give you an estimate of what it will cost ot do your fix I am offering a $99 computer tune up service in the Calgary area. This service includes a 29 point computer "fix it and protect it" package that gives you free anti virus software, free pop up stopper free firewall and free spyware remover as well as a full backup of your files. Call me today at 229-1724 to learn more or email me at This 29point inspection and protection is about half of the cost of what the big guys can do it for. My charge for service is $40 per hour as opposed to 80 or 90 that other geeks around town charge...and I won't even charge you travel time. One of my specialties is working with small business people. With a background in Real Estate sales I am sure to be able to help you in your marketing needs. Best Acne Treatment